As Above, So Beneath

Author: Joshua D. Taylor
Series: Short Reads
Genre: Cosmic Horror
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2020
eBook ASIN: B08GPBD978
eBook List Price: 99c
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-925809-85-5

Paperback List Price: $7.99 USD

Mankind had conquered the stars…sculpted alien worlds to their whim…assumed they were the kings of all they surveyed. But now, a darkness spreads—from above and beneath—and mankind will soon realise they are but a temporary blip in the history of the universe.

Nemo Carter is a humble marine biologist tasked with figuring out why the whale-like Bake-kujira keep beaching themselves. Concerned that the odd behaviour may spell the end for the terraformed world of Tindalous, he sets out alone to follow the animals deep into the sea.

What he finds there is infinitely more threatening and terrifying than the environmental collapse his research had envisioned.

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Anniversary of the Mask Murders

Anniversary of the Mask Murders

by Joshua D. Taylor   Chris and Sara stared at the abandoned…