is—and has always been—an inclusive publisher. LGBTQ+ characters always welcome.

All our calls are for dark speculative fiction or weird/horror.

No co-authored projects, please, unless the call specifically says they are allowed.


For full Submission Guidelines and Rights go here.



Whilst we are open to all genres and styles of writing, ultimately we reserve the right to reject topics that are not suitable for our publications. Please read the individual submission call information for guidance.

Word count requirements, deadline dates and author compensation are detailed against each submission call. Hyphenated words will be counted as one word. Paragraph breaks are not included in word counts.

All submissions must be in English.

Our stance on;
Bestiality – Unless your character is in the fantasy world (ie werewolf) this is a hard no.
Erotica – Don’t go overboard, but if your story requires sex scenes, go for it.
Graphic non-con sex is never OK. If your story needs it, glimpse but don’t dazzle.


All manuscripts must be in .doc/.docx format.

In the header section of your manuscript please include your  story title and the manuscript word count (excluding header section information).

Font : Times New Roman 12 point

Spacing : Double line spaced. Indent new paragraphs. Single space between sentences.

Scene breaks : ***

Spelling : British English

All submissions are read blind. Do not include personal information IN your manuscript (no name, no pen name, no email, no address).

Do not include personal information in your document name.

Your document name must be [CALL] – [THEME (where there is one noted)] – [TITLE]. doc/x (no brackets).

Your document must be attached – no links, please. We won’t follow them.

Novellas: No limit
Short stories: Maximum of 100 words plus 2 non-retailer links
Rest: Maximum of 50 words plus 1 non-retailer links

Address your email “G’day awesome Black Hare Press Team”

Email Subject:
In your email subject, include [CALL] – [THEME (where there is one noted)] – [TITLE] – [PEN NAME]

For example;
GRIMDARK – DRABBLES – Clash of the Tantrums – Ann Orfer
SHORT READS – The Elephant in the Room – Ann Orfer

Email Body:
In your email body, please include; the call, the theme (where one is noted), your story title, your pen name, word count, bio.

Email To:
Email to the address listed on the call.

100 wordsShort StoriesNovellasPaid






We’re seeking spine-chilling tales that delve into the deepest fears and phobias. Stories should evoke dread, explore the unknown, and leave readers unsettled. Whether it’s the terror of the supernatural, the anxiety of the futuristic, or the horrors lurking within the mind, we want to experience it all.

This theme will be open for submissions from 1st JULY and will close midnight 31st JULY 2024 (last place on Earth). Submissions received outside of this timeframe will not be read.

You must include the theme in your email subject (as shown above). Reading will start once the submission period has closed.

The BEST 12 drabbles will be chosen for publication in AUGUST 2024.

Word count : EXACTLY 100 words, excluding title and pen name
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed
Multiple Submissions : One per pen name, per theme << IF YOU SEND MORE THAN ONE, WE WILL REJECT THEM ALL, UNREAD
Publication : Online in Dark Moments.  May be included in a single anthology in print and digital formats at a later date (but within one year of initial publication)

Author compensation : 0.04 USD per word via Paypal
Submit to :



Word count : 100 to 2000

Bios : No bios, please
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed
Multiple Submissions : One per email. Please wait for a response before sending another
Publication : In Patreon, and in a single anthology in print and digital formats at a later date (but within one year of initial publication)
Author compensation : Payment will be EITHER (author’s choice);
~A monetary award: 0.04 USD per word for the first 100 words, 0.01 USD per word thereafter. To be paid via PayPal in the month after publication on Patreon.
~Or a paperback copy of the annual publication.
(Please indicate preference with your submission).
A digital copy of the annual publication
and print discounts.



Closes 31st August 2024



In the desolate landscapes of Utah (or, in fact, any real or fictional place you choose), a bizarre phenomenon unfolds as thousands of tumbleweeds amass, engulfing residential yards, barricading buildings, and rendering roads impassable.

But these tumbleweeds are not mere botanical oddities; they harbour an ominous secret.

We invite speculative fiction and horror writers to explore the sinister depths of this phenomenon.

  • What if tumbleweed isn’t just tumbleweed?
  • Where does it originate?
  • What dark forces propel its relentless advance?
  • What horrors does it bring with it?
  • Does it herald the onset of an apocalyptic upheaval, a world consumed by its sinister presence?
  • If your story is post-apocalyptic, delve into the shadows and unleash your imagination upon a world gripped by the Tumbleweed Apocalypse.

Please ensure your first 500 words compel the reader to want to go further.
Word count : 2,000 – 10,000
Further information : Remember: we have a blind read process, which means our read team do not know any of the author’s details. Please do not include your personal information (name, pseudonym, address, email, bio, etc.) in your manuscript – your story will be rejected and will not be eligible for resubmission.
However, please include your personal information in the email body, as well as your bio of not more than 100 words and not more than 2 links. Do not include links to retailers (such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble), as other retailers will reject the publication if they are included.
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed.
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed. Please do not submit your story elsewhere while we are considering it.
Co-authored Submissions : Allowed.
Publication : Paperback, hardcover, digital, and audio.
Author compensation :
Monetary awards will be based on wordcounts after edits (so please don’t pad);
~2,000 to 5,000    – $20 USD
~5,001 to 10,000   – $25 USD
Plus one digital copy and print discounts
Submit to :

Please allow 12 weeks after the call closes for a response.



Closes 31st October 2024


Dive into the chilling night and the forbidden allure in our open call for Erotic Horror tales. Explore human desire intertwined with the macabre, where fear and passion collide. Whether it’s vampires seducing prey or eerie encounters, we seek boundary-pushing stories that ignite the senses. Let your imagination soar, crafting narratives that leave readers spellbound and trembling. Submissions can be as spicy as you dare. Join us in exploring the darker side of desire.

Wordcount : We are looking for stories of 500 to 5,000 words for publication in February 2025.
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Allowed.
Slots available : 25. We will read in batches until full.
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed.
Multiple Submissions : Five can be submitted, two acceptances allowed.
Co-authored Submissions : Allowed.
Publication : Paperback, hard cover, and digital, plus 3 will be chosen for our online magazine.
Author compensation : $10 USD (plus 1 paperback copy for stories over 4,000 words) per story accepted.
Submit to :

For submission guidelines and further information, click here



Word count : 100 to 2000

Bios : No bios, please
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed
Multiple Submissions : One per email. Please wait for a response before sending another
Publication : In Patreon, and in a single anthology in print and digital formats at a later date (but within one year of initial publication)
Author compensation : Payment will be EITHER (author’s choice);
~A monetary award: 0.04 USD per word for the first 100 words, 0.01 USD per word thereafter. To be paid via PayPal in the month after publication on Patreon.
~Or a paperback copy of the annual publication.
(Please indicate preference with your submission).
A digital copy of the annual publication
and print discounts.



We are looking for dark stories, in any genre.

Please ensure your first 500 words compel the reader to want to go further.

Word count : 5,000+
Please include a blurb (40+ words, we’ll work with successful entries to finesse it for publication), and a short synopsis. Include both of these in your manuscript, before your story. 

Remember: we have a blind read process, which means our read team do not know any of the author’s details. Please do not include your personal information (name, pseudonym, address, email, bio, etc) in your manuscript – your story will be rejected and will not be eligible for resubmission. However, please include your personal information in the email body.

Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed.
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed. Please don’t send your manuscript to other publishers while we are evaluating it.
Co-authored works : Allowed.

Multiple Submissions : As many as you like, but please wait for a response on one before sending the next so as not to overwhelm our read team.

Publication :
Each story will be its own publication, published in digital format, and assigned to one of our new series headers.
Sequels are always a possibility, and where accepted, the first and subsequent publications will be re-directed to the “single author” stream, which includes print editions.
Author compensation :
Monetary awards will be based on wordcounts after edits (so please don’t pad);
~5,000 to 10,000   – $20 USD
~10,000 to 17,000 – $30 USD
Plus one digital copy

Submit to :

Please allow 12 weeks for a response.



We are looking for dark stories, in any genre.

Please ensure your first 500 words compel the reader to want to go further.

Word count : 5,000+
Please include a blurb (40+ words, we’ll work with successful entries to finesse it for publication), and a short synopsis. Include both of these in your manuscript, before your story. 

Remember: we have a blind read process, which means our read team do not know any of the author’s details. Please do not include your personal information (name, pseudonym, address, email, bio, etc) in your manuscript – your story will be rejected and will not be eligible for resubmission. However, please include your personal information in the email body.

Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed.
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed. Please don’t send your manuscript to other publishers while we are evaluating it.
Co-authored works : Allowed.

Multiple Submissions : As many as you like, but please wait for a response on one before sending the next so as not to overwhelm our read team.

Publication :
Each story will be its own publication, published in digital format, and assigned to one of our new series headers.
Sequels are always a possibility, and where accepted, the first and subsequent publications will be re-directed to the “single author” stream, which includes print editions.
Author compensation :
Monetary awards will be based on wordcounts after edits (so please don’t pad);
~5,000 to 10,000   – $20 USD
~10,000 to 17,000 – $30 USD
Plus one digital copy

Submit to :

Please allow 12 weeks for a response.



Closes 31st August 2024



In the desolate landscapes of Utah (or, in fact, any real or fictional place you choose), a bizarre phenomenon unfolds as thousands of tumbleweeds amass, engulfing residential yards, barricading buildings, and rendering roads impassable.

But these tumbleweeds are not mere botanical oddities; they harbour an ominous secret.

We invite speculative fiction and horror writers to explore the sinister depths of this phenomenon.

  • What if tumbleweed isn’t just tumbleweed?
  • Where does it originate?
  • What dark forces propel its relentless advance?
  • What horrors does it bring with it?
  • Does it herald the onset of an apocalyptic upheaval, a world consumed by its sinister presence?
  • If your story is post-apocalyptic, delve into the shadows and unleash your imagination upon a world gripped by the Tumbleweed Apocalypse.

Please ensure your first 500 words compel the reader to want to go further.
Word count : 2,000 – 10,000
Further information : Remember: we have a blind read process, which means our read team do not know any of the author’s details. Please do not include your personal information (name, pseudonym, address, email, bio, etc.) in your manuscript – your story will be rejected and will not be eligible for resubmission.
However, please include your personal information in the email body, as well as your bio of not more than 100 words and not more than 2 links. Do not include links to retailers (such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble), as other retailers will reject the publication if they are included.
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed.
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed. Please do not submit your story elsewhere while we are considering it.
Co-authored Submissions : Allowed.
Publication : Paperback, hardcover, digital, and audio.
Author compensation :
Monetary awards will be based on wordcounts after edits (so please don’t pad);
~2,000 to 5,000    – $20 USD
~5,001 to 10,000   – $25 USD
Plus one digital copy and print discounts
Submit to :

Please allow 12 weeks after the call closes for a response.



Closes 31st October 2024


Dive into the chilling night and the forbidden allure in our open call for Erotic Horror tales. Explore human desire intertwined with the macabre, where fear and passion collide. Whether it’s vampires seducing prey or eerie encounters, we seek boundary-pushing stories that ignite the senses. Let your imagination soar, crafting narratives that leave readers spellbound and trembling. Submissions can be as spicy as you dare. Join us in exploring the darker side of desire.

Wordcount : We are looking for stories of 500 to 5,000 words for publication in February 2025.
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Allowed.
Slots available : 25. We will read in batches until full.
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed.
Multiple Submissions : Five can be submitted, two acceptances allowed.
Co-authored Submissions : Allowed.
Publication : Paperback, hard cover, and digital, plus 3 will be chosen for our online magazine.
Author compensation : $10 USD (plus 1 paperback copy for stories over 4,000 words) per story accepted.
Submit to :

For submission guidelines and further information, click here






We’re seeking spine-chilling tales that delve into the deepest fears and phobias. Stories should evoke dread, explore the unknown, and leave readers unsettled. Whether it’s the terror of the supernatural, the anxiety of the futuristic, or the horrors lurking within the mind, we want to experience it all.

This theme will be open for submissions from 1st JULY and will close midnight 31st JULY 2024 (last place on Earth). Submissions received outside of this timeframe will not be read.

You must include the theme in your email subject (as shown above). Reading will start once the submission period has closed.

The BEST 12 drabbles will be chosen for publication in AUGUST 2024.

Word count : EXACTLY 100 words, excluding title and pen name
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed
Multiple Submissions : One per pen name, per theme << IF YOU SEND MORE THAN ONE, WE WILL REJECT THEM ALL, UNREAD
Publication : Online in Dark Moments.  May be included in a single anthology in print and digital formats at a later date (but within one year of initial publication)

Author compensation : 0.04 USD per word via Paypal
Submit to :



Word count : 100 to 2000

Bios : No bios, please
Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed
Multiple Submissions : One per email. Please wait for a response before sending another
Publication : In Patreon, and in a single anthology in print and digital formats at a later date (but within one year of initial publication)
Author compensation : Payment will be EITHER (author’s choice);
~A monetary award: 0.04 USD per word for the first 100 words, 0.01 USD per word thereafter. To be paid via PayPal in the month after publication on Patreon.
~Or a paperback copy of the annual publication.
(Please indicate preference with your submission).
A digital copy of the annual publication
and print discounts.



We are looking for dark stories, in any genre.

Please ensure your first 500 words compel the reader to want to go further.

Word count : 5,000+
Please include a blurb (40+ words, we’ll work with successful entries to finesse it for publication), and a short synopsis. Include both of these in your manuscript, before your story. 

Remember: we have a blind read process, which means our read team do not know any of the author’s details. Please do not include your personal information (name, pseudonym, address, email, bio, etc) in your manuscript – your story will be rejected and will not be eligible for resubmission. However, please include your personal information in the email body.

Author eligibility : Open to all.
Reprints : Not allowed.
Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed. Please don’t send your manuscript to other publishers while we are evaluating it.
Co-authored works : Allowed.

Multiple Submissions : As many as you like, but please wait for a response on one before sending the next so as not to overwhelm our read team.

Publication :
Each story will be its own publication, published in digital format, and assigned to one of our new series headers.
Sequels are always a possibility, and where accepted, the first and subsequent publications will be re-directed to the “single author” stream, which includes print editions.
Author compensation :
Monetary awards will be based on wordcounts after edits (so please don’t pad);
~5,000 to 10,000   – $20 USD
~10,000 to 17,000 – $30 USD
Plus one digital copy

Submit to :

Please allow 12 weeks for a response.