Author: Various Authors
Series: Punk, Book 1
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2022
List Price (paperback): 15.99 USD
List Price hardcover): 19.99 USD
eBook Price: 2.99 USD

Steampunk, cyberpunk, biopunk, dieselpunk.

Dark stories from twisted, creative minds. From fairies to ill-fated steampunk inventors, futuristic gravboarders, and vampiric dystopias. Adjust your ocular-mods as twenty-seven authors bring you their take on the theme, in fifty-seven gritty chunks of prose.

  • Veronique Aglat
  • Karen Bayly
  • Blen
  • Maggie D. Brace
  • Brianna Bullen
  • Christopher T. Dabrowski
  • John H. Dromey
  • Birgit K. Gaiser
  • Xavier Garcia
  • Jameson Grey
  • Joachim Heijndermans
  • Liam Hogan
  • Justin Hunter
  • Katie Kent
  • Andrew Kurtz
  • Steven Lord
  • J. McLeod
  • Alex Minns
  • Rachel Reeves
  • Kimberly Rei
  • Nathan Slemp
  • Jay Sykes
  • J. Thrower
  • J. Tyrer
  • Dawn Vogel
  • Jasiah Witkofsky
  • Pauline Yates

Series: PUNK