Clown Diary: Appendix 7

Author: Joe Oppenheimer
Series: Short Reads
Genre: Historical Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller
Publisher: Hell Hare House
Publication Year: 2023
eBook List Price: USD 99c
Paperback List Price: USD 7.99
After a big fire at a circus, a few pages of a diary are all that is left to tell the story of an immigrant running from persecution and prejudice.
The diary is the final legacy of the man who found acceptance and reconciliation in a community of circus clowns.
Adam, a survivor of ethnic attacks, is desperate to leave a dystopian America. Exit, however, is impossible, and employment in a circus becomes his only option. There, as a clown, he comes face to face with multi-stranded consequences of ethnic hatred. Living and working in the circus’ diverse community of oppressed individuals, Adam discovers friendship and a path of reconciliation if not escape.

Clown Diary: Appendix 7 by Joe Oppenheimer