Author: Various Authors
Series: Lockdown Sci-Fi, Book 7
Genre: Science Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2024
List Price: 10.99 USD
eBook Price: FREE (Selected Stores)

Science Fiction adventure stories for LOCKDOWN.

Featured Authors 

Parasite by Christopher T. Dabrowski
The End of the World by Christopher T. Dabrowski
Social Glitch by Eric Fomley
A Girl Like Us by Eric Fomley
Post by Gordon Sun
Restored by Hedda Stangeland
It Ends with a Scream by J.M. Meyer
Thou Shalt See by J.W. Garrett
Beware of Cat by Joachim Heijndermans
Elevator 13 by K.R. Pendergrass
Time-Skip by Kimberly Rei
Last Shuttle to Sirius by Mark J. Schultis
Aboard the Silver Apple by McKenzie Richardson
On the Tip by Shawn M. Klimek
The Last Loophole by Shawn M. Klimek
Titan by Stephen Herczeg
Haven by Trevor Jess
Journey to Atonement by Victor Nandi
Gifts in the Dark by Vonnie Winslow Crist