
Author: K.B. Elijah
Series: Dialogue Competition – 2nd Place
Genre: Fantasy, Magic
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
eBook List Price: USD 99c
Paperback List Price: USD 7.99

“Should I begin with the tale of the cannibalistic peacocks, perhaps? The molten field of liquorice mushrooms? Or maybe you’d like to hear about the obsequious coffee beans dancing to the tune of Hickory Dickory Dock?”

Twelve hours. Two archenemies. One plane.

Witch hunter, Courser, is relieved to be finally delivering the most wanted witch in the world to his grisly fate, but Devon doesn’t plan on going quietly. Forced to endure each other’s company on the interminably long flight, the pair soon realise that it’s not just each other’s tricks they have to survive…

A 90%+ dialogue dark fantasy tale from a dialogue competition winner, Metaphoria blends humour and fantasy with a healthy dollop of fourth wall destruction.


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Metaphoria by K.B. Elijah

“Should I begin with the tale of the cannibalistic peacocks, perhaps? The molten field of liquorice mushrooms? Or maybe you’d like to hear about the obsequious coffee beans dancing to the tune of Hickory Dickory Dock?”

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