
Author: Hari Navarro
Series: Dialogue Competition – 1st Place
Genre: Horror, Suspense, Supernatural
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
eBook List Price: USD 99c
Paperback List Price: USD 7.99

Do you know what happens when you stare into television static?
“I don’t have a television.”
Christ! That’s right, I’m sorry. You know, I could get you one. It’d be no problem. Actually, it would be a bit of a problem—no electricity, zero reception—but I could sort something out. I could make it work.
“I’m good, my eyes have long since deflated and now sit folded like rotting sheets in the fouled cup of their sockets, anyhow.”
Just you’re… um, very descriptive.
“Well, I have had a long time to sit here and paint the things that I cannot see.”
Do they hurt? Your eyes? Do you hurt??”
“Nothing hurts. Nothing is anything, not anymore. But you know that.”

When innermost thoughts and feelings are laid bare, you must face the truth.

Psychological thriller from Hari Navarro. Dialogue competition winner.


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