Tag Archive for: Vijayaraj Mahendraraj

A. Eye

by Vijayaraj Mahendraraj


The permeating retro music was jarring in the elegant sterile room. The mechanical arms were busy, joints gyrating loudly. The robot had a clunky jaw, bulky pistons, and dated hardware. It performed a simple task for the evolved androids that now populated Earth.

It sang gratingly, “Out with another plop. In with the spherical knob. And gelling agent to set. Voilà! Another one done.”

Its power core brimmed with measurable satisfaction. Whistling piercingly, it rolled the stretcher out and discarded the pair of bloody vestigial organs. Human labourers needed more efficient eyes anyway, the first of our overlords’ many changes.


Vijayaraj Mahendraraj

My name is Vijayaraj Mahendraraj. I am originally from Malaysia but currently work as a physician in Canada. Writing has always been a burning passion of mine. I was recently accepted for publication in Year Four: Dark Moments, Grimdark, and Nom Nom drabble anthologies with BHP.



by Vijayaraj Mahendraraj


“Welcome to The Flaming-O! Tropical resort, spa, buffets—” choked the tearful woman.

“You alright?” asked a concerned couple.

“Yes… yes, I swear,” she replied, eyes terrified.

“Our rooms?” pressed an indifferent tourist.

“Rooms…” she stammered.

“And when do we eat?”

“The buffet… starts soon,” she mumbled.

One by one, they departed. Trembling, she concealed battered arms under a pink coat.

Right on cue, the silence was broken. Screams. Thrashes. Bones splintered by enormous beaks. A deep pink and crimson bathed each room akin to fresh coats of paint.

Then, silence again. Until the next buffet.

“Welcome to The Flaming-O.”

Vijayaraj Mahendraraj

My name is Vijayaraj Mahendraraj. I am originally from Malaysia but currently work as a physician in Canada. Writing has always been a burning passion of mine. I was recently accepted for publication in the Year Four Dark Moments Anthology, the Grimdark Anthology and the Halloween Drabble Anthology with BHP.


by Vijayaraj Mahendraraj


“A recurring nightmare,” said Billa, trembling.

“It’s perfectly reasonable to experience fear and panic,” consoled the therapist.

“Even awake, something feels latched onto my back. Draining me. I’ve got pale, sickly. I’m losing my mind. Help me!” he blurted, flustered.

“Now, now. Remember what we said about getting worked up,” replied the therapist, nearing.

“Check my back! Please!”

Billa removed his shirt and turned.

“Ah, yes. Not to worry. It’s growing quite well.”

“What?” he stammered, before feeling the pinch of the sedating syringe.

Consciousness slipping, he heard dark whispers and glimpsed bulbous, black tentacles reaching out from behind him.

Vijayaraj Mahendraraj

My name is Vijayaraj Mahendraraj, originally from Malaysia but currently work as a physician in Canada. I was accepted for publication in the Year Four and Grimdark anthologies later this year with Black Hare Press.




Grimdark—violent worlds with amoral or morally questionable protagonists. Grim and dark stories valourising the protagonist’s struggles as they choose between good and evil.


by Vijayaraj Mahendraraj


The shutters slammed repeatedly, winds howling amidst the desolate crop fields. Overbeck’s eyes gleamed, his bloodied grip on the pitchfork waning. The doors and windows were barred, nailed shut. A lone bulb flickered above.

They promised the substance would revitalise his land, beckoning bountiful fields of produce effortlessly. It worked. But the animals gorged themselves on mutated crops. The morphing was quick. Twisted monstrosities now roamed, intent on devouring all.

A chill crawled down his spine. All around, the howling winds were replaced with brays, clucks, squeals, and neighs. The shutters slammed repeatedly, for they had come for sweeter meats.

Vijayaraj Mahendraraj

Vijayaraj Mahendraraj is a Malaysian-born author currently working as a physician in Canada. Vijayaraj has always had a burning passion for writing and can usually be found in front of the computer or the piano, coaxing stories from keystrokes. His written work is currently available in the Dark Moments online publication. Upcoming print works: Grimdark in May 2022 and Year Four, coming January 2023, both from Black Hare Press.
Twitter: @vijayaraj613



Tick Tock

by Vijayaraj Mahendraraj


The contorted body was lifeless, yet warm. Hollow eyes, horrified visage. Tick tock, a portent of doom. The mirthful laughter seemed a distant memory. The ‘Ringmaster’ promised a unique experience. Yet now she trembled, whip in hand. Sixty seconds. Soon, the oblivious soul entered. She glanced back at the body. Hers. Desperation coiled the whip about his fragile neck. Edges crudely tightened, his agonised gasps and frothing pleas were hushed. She awoke in her body, unscathed. The asphyxiated body laid by her side and a new ringmaster waited with sixty seconds to claim his own victim for salvation. Tick tock.

Vijayaraj Mahendraraj

My name is Vijayaraj Mahendraraj. I go by Vijay. I am originally from Malaysia but currently work as a physician in Canada. Writing has always been a burning passion of mine.
Facebook: @vijayaraj.mahendraraj