Author: Various Authors
Series: Seven Deadly Sins, Book 7
Genre: Speculative Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
Paperback ISBN: TBA
List Price: 17.99 USD
eBook Price: 3.99 USD

Manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury.

Them by Alannah K. Pearson
Curse by Bex Pinckney
Premeditated by Elle Jauffret
Cold Calculation by Eric Lewis
Rowsig by G. Allen Wilbanks
Hell’s First Gate by Heather Santo
Wrath Does Not Compute by Hedda Stangeland
Lavender by J.T. Croft
My enemy, Myself by J.W. Garrett
So Mote it Be by Jacqueline Moran Meyer
Happy Birthday by James Lipson
Reasonable Doubt by Jen Mierisch
11 Minutes by Jodi Jensen
A Storm is Coming by K.B. Elijah
On Becoming a God by K.J. Beat
The Jeweller’s Hand by L.T. Emery
A Case of Wrath by Luis Manuel Torres
The God Killer by M. Sydnor Jr.
Bear with a Sore Head by Maxine Churchman
Scorned by Nerisha Kemraj
Virtual Retribution by Nicola Currie
A Wolf in Shackles by Nikkita Bell
Family Time by Patrick Winters
Rejected by Raven Corinn Carluk
Karma by Sarah Jane Justice
Lilith by Stephen Herczeg
Itch by Tamara Werteen
Served Cold by Tim Mendees
Part of the Pack by Wondra Vanian
Heat by Ximena Escobar