Tag Archive for: drop bears

All Over

by JB Corso

Thomas floats away in bloody chunks towards their subterranean nest. Bits of his ear, sections of his tail, and several whiskers are carried away after their workers methodically snip each bloody piece away. Memories of his guttural whining hang within my tortured mind like mangrove tree seeds. The locals warned me about the outback’s jack jumper ants. I should’ve listened. Instead, they’re beginning to close in around my rock sanctuary. My refuge shrinks as they begin jumping closer like an excited ebony mass of finality. Thousands of golden mandibles clicking together near my open-toed sandals. Each tiny pincer advances closer.


JB Corso

JB Corso is a mental health clinician who continues to work with vulnerable populations. Their writing motto is “Developing stories into masterpieces.” They’ve been published several times in The Siren’s Call and are a Horror Writer’s Association (HWA) member.



A Siren’s Pitcher

by Rowan West

She called to me from the jungle, a voice more beautiful than the moon itself. I was compelled to follow. She was exquisite to behold, perched on the ridged edge of a wellspring, its shape the most feminine thing I’d ever seen: a green and wine-coloured teardrop with a gorgeous canopy rising up behind. The beauty beckoned, invited me into that sweet smelling vessel. Unbelieving, I rose to her, and slipped over the lip into the pool. It was warm…So warm! And as the nectar enveloped me, I saw that canopy begin to close; and then I knew.


Rowan West

An Aussie-American, Rowan West is an award-winning screenwriter who grew up moving around as a child. He has lived on three continents, in three countries, in eight states, a parish and a region, one of them four times. He has worked as an actor, writer, designer, and enjoys studying psychology.  


Deathly Hitchhiker

by Maggie D. Brace

Blindly, my capitulum squirms, seeking the sweet spot as I splay my grasping palps upon this hairy creature. Sensing throbbing hot blood, I gnash my chelicerae, slicing a channel into moist flesh. Legs akimbo, I jut my torso at an angle, lower my hypostome, and begin to satiate myself. I eject the anticoagulants that suppress all defences. For days, I alternate between feeding and pulsing out my toxin filled spittle. Slavering onward, I trace the life-giving juices transverse my foregut, as my body slowly engorges. Satiated, I release. Dropping downward, I can only pity the paralysed hiker’s throes of death.


Maggie D. Brace

Maggie D Brace, a life-long denizen of Maryland, teacher, gardener, basketball player and author attended St. Mary’s College, where she met her soulmate, and Loyola University, Maryland.  She has written ‘Tis Himself: The Tale of Finn MacCool and Grammy’s Glasses, and has multiple short works and poems in various anthologies.  She remains a humble scrivener and avid reader. 


Beware the Thylarctos Plummetus Tour

by Lisa H. Owens

Mr Smith had one unticked item on his bucket list: to capture an elusive Drop Bear, one last hurrah with which to punctuate his life story. He dusted off his passport; forty-eight hours later, was deep in the rainforest of the Great Dividing Range with a tour guide called Jiemba. He was provided protective gear: a helmet of welded forks and a slathering of vegemite repellent behind both ears, but was so intent on watching the dense canopy above, shouting, “Here bear-bear-bear,” he marched into the arms of a murderous gympie-gympie. His liquified remains shipped home in a ziplock baggie.


Lisa H. Owens

Lisa H. Owens, an author residing in North Texas with two motley rescue dogs, has been published in several anthologies and various media outlets, including a two-year stint as a monthly humorist columnist. She credits her success to the support and mentorship of the late, great Steven Lester Carr. Her stories are often inspired by true events, usually including private jokes and family nicknames.

Website: www.lisahowens.com.


Welcome to (Deadly) Australia

by Geoff Hart

Welcome to Oz! Good on you for ignoring the slander that everything’s out to kill ya. Funnel-web spiders? Easily avoided. Keep feet and fingers out of dark, enclosed spaces, like bedsheets. (Kidding! They almost never infest bedsheets. Almost.) Don’t fret over copperheads either; taipan’s more likely to do for ya. Don’t step on anything long, thin, and brown and you’ll be right, mate. Blue-ringed octopus? They never come ashore to hunt humans; they’re too worried about the taipans and spiders. And the salties? They’re real. If you don’t see any Aussies swimming, don’t dip a toe. Nasty buggers, those crocs.

(With thanks to Matt Stevens for an Australian reality check.)


Geoff Hart

Geoff (he/him) works as a scientific editor, specialising in helping scientists who have English as their second language publish their research. He’s the author of the popular Effective Onscreen Editing and Write Faster with Your Word Processor, and has sold 58 stories thus far.
Website: www.geoff-hart.com


Three Lads in a Pub

by Tim Law

“Mate, I call bullshit. We’ve got the deadliest spiders, snakes galore, even killer koalas and you’re telling us the thing you fear the most is a bird?”

“Yep, the cassowary, seen it firsthand.”

“So, what’s so scary?”

“Beady little eyes that you just can’t trust, horn on its head that can run you through.”

“Fair enough mate, sounds pretty deadly.”

“The worst thing is the claws, massive ones on its feet. It can jump a metre and a half, and then with a kick it rips you open from neck to navel.”

“Bloody hell.”

“And all for a banana.”



Tim Law

Tim loves drinking with mates. He hates cassowaries though, ya can’t trust the beady eyes.