Carpe Detritus

Author: Tim Mendees
Series: Short Reads
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
eBook List Price: USD 99c
Paperback List Price: USD 7.99

It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it, right?

Refuse collection is a miserable task at the best of times, but Matthew’s life is about to get a whole lot worse.

A routine clearance job turns his life upside down as something insidious makes its presence felt. Thrown into a waking nightmare of shadowy figures and ancient abominations, can Matthew survive with his body and mind intact?


Dialogue Competition Runners-up

Zero Hour 2113 – Launches 23rd January 2021

London, 2113.Racked by riots and ruled by corporations, London has grown to house over twenty-million people. Its limits stretch across the south-west of England.Pollution chokes the skyline, hiding the stratoscrapers of The Mile, London’s exclusive centre, from sight; though its gaudy neon signs penetrate the smog. Corporations rule after the collapse of the mid-2000s. The NHS, under strain from underfunding and the barrage of pandemics, chemical attacks and terrorism, found itself sold off, piece by piece, to the highest bidder. The augmentation companies moved in; buying what they liked. The National Health Bank rose, supplemented by other privatised care centres.