Tag Archive for: Andrew Kurtz

It’s All About the Blood

by Andrew Kurtz

“Enos, I’m your brother!” Ted screamed as he was being lowered into the vat of scalding acid.

“Satan demands the sacrifice of a blood relative in order for me to receive the dark power!” Enos shouted maniacally.

“You were…” Ted didn’t finish as the acid engulfed him, disintegrating his flesh and bones.

“I have done as you asked, now grant me my reward!” Enos demanded as a red bolt of lightning streaked across the room, electrocuting Enos’s body until only a charred skeleton remained on the ground.

If Ted had one second more, Enos would have heard the word, “adopted.”

Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and violent short stories which have appeared in numerous horror anthologies.

Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature. His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, Edgar Rice Boroughs, and Ian Fleming.

Website: linktr.ee/horror672

Norseman of the Dead

by Andrew Kurtz 

The rancorous stench of death emanating from the Viking longboat reached up to the Halls of Valhalla and Fenrir’s nostrils.

The dead don’t always travel on land, but sea.

The re-animated corpses of the Viking warriors, putrid flesh blanketed with maggots and worms, crew the ship littered with the bones of their victims.

They aren’t interested in treasures of gold and jewellery that would make a man wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. Dominating women to satisfy sexual desires is a task left to the living.

A great banquet awaits them at the next unsuspecting village, a feast of human flesh.


Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and violent short stories which have appeared in numerous horror anthologies.

Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature. His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, Edgar Rice Boroughs, and Ian Fleming.

Flying Lessons

by Andrew Kurtz


“I wish people were born with wings, so they could soar in the sky,” Sid told his android butler as they stood on the two-hundred-foot mountain peak after a rigorous climb.

“Have you completed your flying lessons yet? You have been taking a lot of them,” the android stated.

“Yesterday was the final lesson. All I need to do now is—” Sid said as the android pushed him off the mountain peak.

“You need more lessons,” the android yelled as Sid plummeted to his death on the ground below, unable to finish his sentence about buying an airplane.


Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and violent short stories which have appeared in numerous horror anthologies. 
Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature.
His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft,and Ray Bradbury


Disastrous Intentions

by Andrew Kurtz


I have existed undetectable since the beginning of time and will remain so for all eternity.

A meteor didn’t eradicate the dinosaurs as is believed, but the venomous breath emanating from my hundred mouths suffocated the worthless beasts to extinction.

My thousand tentacles dragging the Titanic to its watery grave were blamed on a mere iceberg.

The intense luminosity from my fifty eyes caused the Hindenburg to transform into a fiery coffin, not weather conditions or mechanical failure.

My sights are now set on you. Don’t worry, your demise will be attributed to mechanical issues.

Enjoy your flight.

Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and violent short stories which have appeared in numerous horror anthologies.

Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature.

His favorite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, and Ray Bradbury.




Grimdark—violent worlds with amoral or morally questionable protagonists. Grim and dark stories valourising the protagonist’s struggles as they choose between good and evil.


Punk—steampunk, cyberpunk, biopunk, dieselpunk—stories where technology is the main focus.

A Deadly Lesson

by Andrew Kurtz


The college professor walked into the classroom carrying two pizza boxes.

“Three hours from now, the Purge will begin. Once a year, our government allows murder to be legal for twelve hours.

“Some of you enjoy shooting people in the head, causing the brain matter to spill out. Others prefer slitting throats and watching the victim choke in their own blood. Cracking skulls with a baseball bat or burning people alive are popular too.

“I brought some pizza to celebrate, dig in,” he told the class, knowing that the deadly poison in the food would take effect in three hours.

Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and ultraviolent short stories published in numerous horror anthologies. Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature. His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, and Edgar Allan Poe. Check his latest works here.



The Tyrant

by Andrew Kurtz


“I have been chosen by the people as a representative.  Your tyrannical ways must cease!

“Executing women who are pregnant to avoid population increase, instead of getting an abortion, is monstrous!

“Publicly burning the old and sick alive because they are unproductive to society goes beyond inhumanity!

“The people chose you to govern us because we felt you would be beneficial to society; however, we  were  mistaken,” Nicholas said as he removed a shotgun from his coat.

In an instant, a blue light disintegrated him, leaving only ash.

“Your requests have been denied,” responded the computer system that ruled society.


Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and ultraviolent short stories published in numerous horror anthologies. Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature. His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, and Edgar Allan Poe. Check his latest works here.

The Pirate’s Jewel

by Andrew Kurtz


Max listened as the freak show owner addressed the crowd. “In this coffin are the remains of the blood-thirsty pirate, Orange Beard, who removed the hearts of his victims.”

Inside was a skeleton with a shredded black eye patch and a bright red jewel in its ribcage.

“The jewel is said to be cursed,” the owner warned.

After the freak show closed, Max snuck back into the tent, but when he lifted the coffin lid, he emitted a bone-chilling scream.

When the owner opened the coffin during the next show, there was a human heart nestled next to the jewel.


Andrew Kurtz

Andrew Kurtz is an up-and-coming horror author who writes very graphic and ultraviolent short stories which have appeared in numerous horror anthologies. Since childhood, he has loved horror films and literature. His favourite authors are Stephen King, Clive Barker, H.G. Wells, Richard Matheson, and Edgar Allan Poe.

Link: https://www.amazon.com/author/splatter