
by Nerisha Kemraj


“Run, Billy!” Dad said, trying to hold off the droids, a true rebel.

His father had prepped him for this, but Billy never thought the time would come.

“Mom! The machine men are here!” He slammed the front door and noticed the back door broken off its hinges. They were already inside.

“Billy!” Mom screamed from upstairs.

He ran into her open arms.

“Mom! The bunker. Now!”

Just then the bedroom door flew open, and out walked a droid—his mother’s head in its hands, her blood dripping on the floor.


Billy gasped for air as the droid squeezed tighter.


Nerisha Kemraj

Nerisha Kemraj resides in Durban, South Africa, with her husband and two mischievous daughters. While poetry has been a love since high school, she began writing short stories in 2016. A lover of dark fiction, she has over 100 short stories and poems published both in print and online and also received an Honourable Mention Award in the Fujisan Taisho 2019 Tanka Contest.
Nerisha holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Science and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education from University of South Africa.

Visit her Facebook page @Nerishakemrajwriter. 

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