As a writer from Ontario, Canada, Brianna Witte has a passion for spinning tales of sci-fi, horror and fantasy. She enjoys taking readers on a ride through the realm of fiction by weaving twisted, futuristic and magical stories that materialise from her wildly creative dreams and vivid imagination. Brianna has had her first novel, “Witches and Vampires”, published in December 2019. To date she has had a number of short stories and drabbles published, as well as her short story, ‘The Hunt’ commended for the 2019 Author of Tomorrow award.

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Kiss of Death

by Brianna Witte   Dan took the blindfold away from my eyes, the dark basement surrounding me. A naked man was chained to the cement wall, a gag stuffed into his small mouth. I looked at his chest, his heavy breathing making more blood pool from his wounds. My eyes focused on two words carved […]

Eldritch & Ether

Beautiful, heartfelt poetry from international poets

Season of Giving

by Brianna Witte   I snatched up the large present under the Christmas tree, the bright red wrapping paper dropping to the ground in shreds. I opened the white box, my little heart racing with excitement. My breath caught, the pure astonishment paralysing me. A human head sat perfectly preserved in the bag; the dark […]

Brianna Witte

As a writer from Ontario, Canada, Brianna Witte has a passion for spinning tales of sci-fi, horror and fantasy.

The Darkness Ahead

by Brianna Witte   They came for me—pitchforks sharpened and torches glowing in the dead of night. I stood in front of my wood cabin, watching the townspeople march closer. Closer to the witch that had slaughtered their livestock and dried their crops with her dark, satanic magic. Closer to me—the evil they wanted to […]